The Teen Debit Card - designed especially for YOU.

What can you do with the Teen Debit Card?

  • The card is available to all teens (13-17 yrs of age) in good standing at the Credit Union and requires a creditworthy adult over the age of 18 to be jointly responsible.
  • Only one Teen Debit Card will be issued per membership and only in the teen’s name.
  • The Teen Debit Card can be used to make purchases anywhere the VISA logo is displayed.
  • The daily purchase limits are up to $300 or 10 transactions per day.
  • The Teen Debit Card can be used to make withdrawals at ATM machines up to a maximum of $200 per day.
  • This is not a credit card. The funds must be available in the Teen Debit Account at the time the transaction is performed.
  • Once the teen reaches the age of 18, the Credit Union must be notified to convert the account to a regular share draft account or to a debit card clearing account. At that time, the Teen Debit Card will be disabled.
  • If, at anytime, the Teen Debit Account has a negative balance, the Credit Union has the right to transfer funds from any other membership and/or account owned by the teen or the jointly responsible adult to satisfy the negative balance. The Teen Debit Account will be immediately closed, without prior notification, and the Teen Debit Card blocked if any of the following occur:
    - 2 lost/stolen cards per year.
    - 5 NSF (non-sufficient funds) transactions occur within a 3 month period.
    - Evidence which indicates inability to handle and maintain the account.
    - Use for any transaction that is illegal under applicable federal, state, or local law.
  • Refer to Electronic Fund Transfer Disclosure Statement and VISA Debit/ATM Card agreement for additional terms and conditions.

To report lost or stolen cards, please call 833-455-2568.

NOTICE REGARDING NON-VISA PINLESS DEBIT TRANSACTIONS You may use your ServU Visa Debit Card to initiate both Visa debit transactions and Non-Visa debit transactions without using a personal identification number (PIN) to authenticate the transactions. To initiate a Visa debit transaction, you may sign a receipt, provide a card number or swipe your card and choose to route the transaction over the Visa network by selecting “Credit” rather than “Debit”. To initiate a Non-Visa debit transaction, you may enter a PIN at a point-of sale terminal or, for certain bill payment transactions, provide the card number for an e-commerce or mail/telephone order transaction. Also, some merchants may not require that some Non-Visa debit transactions be authenticated by entering your PIN. Non-Visa debit transactions that do not require your PIN to be entered are enabled on the Accel network. Please be aware that a Non-Visa debit transaction will not provide the same rights and protections applicable only to Visa debit transactions such as the zero liability benefit and other benefits disclosed in your Electronic Fund Transfer Disclosure Statement that you received when you first obtained your ServU Visa Debit Card. Please contact the Card Services Department at 607-936-2293 with any questions you have regarding this notice.