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A young boy and his dog enjoying a boat ride on a lake
A young boy and his dog enjoying a boat ride on a lake

Club Accounts

Take advantage of a Club Account!

Club accounts offer a convenient way to keep funds in separate accounts. You can organize your savings into several Clubs in order to better track your saving. Put money aside in a Club account for house hold repairs, another for a vacation fund and maybe yet another for car repairs!

Open a Club Account

Benefits of a Club Account:

  • Earns dividends quarterly
  • Members can access funds at any time without penalty
  • Set up automatic transfers for easier savings
  • Minimum balance and deposit of only $0.01

Christmas Club

A convenient way to set aside funds specifically for the holiday season. Set aside funds with each paycheck or direct deposit while earning dividends. On the first Tuesday in October, your funds are automatically transferred into your savings account so you can being your holiday shopping! 

Open a Christmas Club

Miscellaneous Club

This Club can be used for anything that you would like it to be used for. Members may have several different clubs for personal use. You can even name them as you would like to help keep your accounts and funds organized. (Ex. Vacation Club, Taxes Club, Medical Bills Club, etc.) 

Open a Club Account

Summer Club

A convenient way to save for summer expenses. This account is an ideal option for teachers who would otherwise receive a large check at the close of the school year. The funds are available to you during the school year if an emergency should arise.

Open a Summer Club Account