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Couple that is getting ready to paint and repair a room

Share Certificates

It’s good to have savings goals. You may need to save short-term for a vacation or home repairs, or long-term for college expenses. Make time work for you with a share certificate.

How it Works

Like any savings account, a share certificate will earn dividends for you. The difference, though, is that share certificates pay their dividends based on their term length – the longer you lock in your savings, the greater your rate of return. Are you looking at a short-term like a few months? No problem. Years down the road? We’ve got you covered. You pick a timeframe for your savings goal, we help you get there.

Available Terms - Fixed Rate

Choose from a variety of term options: 6, 12, 18, or 36 months. 

Open a Certificate online

Woman sitting on the top of her car and enjoying a cup of coffee while enjoying a picturesque mountain vacation

Minimum Deposits

  • Traditional Certificates: $1000
  • High Rise Certificate: $25,000 – A high rise certificate gives you the option to increase the rate once during the term of the share certificate
  • Jumbo Certificates: $100,000


ServU Credit Union posts dividends quarterly. Members can choose to have dividends posted directly to your share certificate or credited to a different account.

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) Certificates

Need a safe investment for retirement savings? Invest in your future with an IRA share certificate. Our 12, 24, and 36 month terms are also available as IRA options.

Loan Collateral

Did you know you can leverage your assets as security for a loan? Using your funds as collateral can help maintain your deposit while balancing lower interest rates. Securing a loan against your share certificate is easy. Ask to speak to a Loan Specialist today.

Woman sitting on the top of her car and enjoying a cup of coffee while enjoying a picturesque mountain vacation

Certificate Rates
Effective Date: March 13, 2025
ProductDividend RateAPY**
6 month 3.85% 3.91%
12 month 3.70% 3.75%
18 month 3.55% 3.60%
24 month 3.45% 3.50%
24 month jumbo 3.65% 3.70%
36 month 3.30% 3.34%
36 month jumbo 3.50% 3.55%
12 month IRA certificate 3.85% 3.91%
24 month IRA certificate 3.45% 3.50%
24 month IRA certificate jumbo 3.65% 3.70%
36 month IRA certificate 3.30% 3.34%
36 month IRA certificate jumbo 3.50% 3.55%

Early withdrawal penalty may be imposed
$1000 minimum balance required
Jumbo Share Certificate = $100,000 or more** APY = Annual Percentage Yield | Rates subject to change without notice. Fees could reduce the earnings on the account.